Take action now - let your policymakers know this is an important health equity issue that affects our most vulnerable.
RSV poses a significant threat to
vulnerable populations
The fact is parents of color, particularly those of low-income status, are not prepared for the next wave of RSV. RSV poses a significant threat to vulnerable populations, particularly infants and young children with compromised immune systems. It is a highly contagious respiratory virus that can result in severe illness, hospitalizations, and in some cases, even death.
Key Recommendations:
Download the RSV Health Equity Action Report by National Minority Quality Forum now!
Ensuring Access to Innovation
With advancements in medical knowledge, preventive strategies for RSV infection have emerged. High-risk populations, such as preterm infants and infants with chronic lung disease, benefit from prophylactic interventions. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) will prevent RSV infection, reduce associated morbidity, and holds great potential to be an effective preventative measure to address the burden of RSV infection, particularly among infants and young children.
FDA approval for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has arrived before next RSV
> Learn more
Vaccine for Children coverage of the RSV immunization to ensure equitable access
We need equitable access for all

Policymakers must act to save the 100 to 300 American children who die each year from RSV. Immunization can help. Speak up and call for action!
Educate yourself on RSV in your community and the benefits of
RSV immunization.
Right-click to download these graphics - and then share them on your social media channels to help educate your community on the benefits of RSV immunization.
Share Your Story
Do you have an RSV story? Send it to us - along with why you think RSV vaccination is so important for children.